Nune Nersisyan, the former director of “Masis Medical Center”, who is constantly criticizing Debuty of National Assebly, former Minister of Health Arsen Torosyan, has defamed Arsen Torosyan, according to the judgment of Yerevan Court of Common Jurisdiction dated 23.06.2022.
Back on April 25, 2020, Nune Nersisyan spread false information about the work of Arsen Torosyan, who was the Minister of Health at that time, on her personal Facebook page.
In order to get legal support, the former Minister of Health applied to the “AM” Law Firm, because the false information tarnished the honor and dignity of Arsen Torosyan. The interests of the former Minister of Health were defended in court by Davit Hunanyan, advocate, chief legal advisor of “AM”.
The court investigation, which continued for about two years, has ended. the court decided to recognize the publication about Arsen Torosyan as defamation and, as compensation for the defamation, to confiscate 150,000 drams from Nune Nersisyan.