Deputy Minister of Defense M. Ghambaryan was slandered: his rights will be defended in court by “AM” Law Firm

5 February, 2020

It is already known to the public that in May of this year the Ministry of Defense of Armenia canceled the process of supplying special multi-million dollar night vision equipment by the Russian company ORSIS. The cancellation of the transaction was due to a breach of the obligation under the purchase process, which resulted in the termination of the subsequent participation in the purchase process by ORSIS ARMS and the “Promtechnology” consortium.

The latter confirmed that they had the required professional experience, but a review of the documents revealed that the participant did not meet the minimum requirements set by the legislation.

The company’s advocate that has failed in a completely legal purchase process posted on his Facebook page on 09.10.2019 and 02.11.2019, in an interview with Sputnik Armenia news agency on October 24, 2009, defamed Deputy Minister of Defense Makar Ghambaryan, disseminating absolutely false and disparaging information about him.

The Deputy Minister of Defense has decided to sue the slanderer and demand a denial and monetary compensation for moral damage. His rights will be defended in court by the “AM” Law Firm’s team led by the partner Vanik Margaryan.

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