9 September, 2014

AM Law Firm invites young legal scholars on a competitive basis to present their comments and suggestions on the Concept Paper on RA Constitutional Amendments  (please see:  http://moj.am/storage/uploads/A1.pdf).

The suggestions to be made shall clearly and reasonably present as to what negative impact any specific provision or provisions of the Constitution has on the public and/or what positive change can be expected by any new constitutional and legal regulation.

The three winning participants will receive up to date computer equipments, which will contribute to their future studies. Furthermore, they will be invited for a three-month paid internship at the leading law firm. The three winning proposals and their authors will be presented to the public and to the Specialized Commission for Constitutional Amendments Adjacent to RA President.

The proposals shall not exceed the 1000 word limit, to the extent possible they shall include novelty, originality, clear justification and  independent analysis. The proposals may be submitted in Armenian, Russian and English languages.

The undergraduate students who have completed their 2nd year of study, as well as postgraduate and graduate students of law faculties from licensed universities can participate in the contest.

The deadline for the presentation of proposals is September 25, 2014 6pm. The participants of the contest shall present their proposals, with the copies of their passports and relevant document verifying professional compliance, to  AM law firm Headquarter office (49/22 Arshakunyats street, Yerevan, RA) or send to the official e-mail of the firm (info@am.am). For additional information please call: +374 55 029236. 

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